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Food banks and free pantries in Broward County

Local food banks and pantries are a great place to turn to for free food, groceries, and other forms of non-financial support.

Gateway Community Outreach
701 NE 2nd Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Food bank phone number - Telephone: 954-725-8434
Food Pantry - Call for hours & nearest location.
Offers various social service programs for the needy in Broward County. Some service include baby formula, meals, clothing, and of course an onsite food pantry and thrift store. They also run a Homeless Prevention & Food Program.

Cooperative Feeding Program
1 NW 33rd Terrace
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Telephone number: 954.792.2328
Food Pantry: Mon-Fri, 9 am - 4 pm
Soup Kitchen: Mon-Sat, 9 am - 11 am & Sun, 11 am - 12:30 pm

Broward Meals On Wheels
There are several locations. Volunteers deliver meals, both fresh and frozen, the the homebound, elderly, or disabled. Most are low cost, but some are free. they also partner with stores such as Publix.
451 N. State Road 7, Plantation, FL, 33317, (954) 731-8770

Pantry of Broward, Inc.
610 NW 3rd Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311
Telephone: 954.358.1481
Food Pantry, 9 am - 4 pm (M-F)
A number of food resources are offered, including fresh food, meats, and canned goods. Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas meals and baskets can be provided.

Hope Outreach Center
4700 SW 64th Avenue, Suite A
Davie, Florida 33314
Telephone: 954.321.9158
Food Pantry 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (Monday - Thursday)
Another all inclusive non-profit assistance organization. Apply for food, meals, and groceries. Programs for school children including clothes and food offered too. Also learn about low income housing and utility help.

Food banks and free pantries in Atlanta, Georgia

Local food banks and pantries are a great place to turn to for free food, groceries, and other forms of non-financial support.

Atlanta Community Food Bank
3400 North Desert Drive
Atlanta, GA 30344
Telephone: 404-892-3333

Need help locating a food pantry near you or assistance with securing food, healthcare, childcare or other necessities? Text 'FINDFOOD' (COMIDA for Spanish) to 888-976-2232 or visit website at 
They work with more than 700 nonprofit partners—including food pantries, community kitchens, childcare centers, shelters and senior centers—to distribute over 67 million meals to more than 1 million people estimated to be food insecure due to COVID-19 in 29 counties across metro Atlanta and north Georgia.

Feeding Georgia
3400 North Desert Drive
Atlanta, GA 30344
Telephone number: (404) 419-1738


Helping in His name Ministries

85 Bellamy Place

Stockbridge, GA 30281

Telephone number: 678-565-6135


Request A Food Appointment Online: 

We are here to help provide food assistance to people residing in Henry County, Georgia, who are hungry and in need of food.

Guests can come once per month for food assistance.

United Food Force, Inc.
1463 Hwy 20 West
McDonough, GA 30253
Telephone: (678) 272-2000

Do you need food assistance? 

Please visit Monday thru Wednesdays 9-3 for emergency food boxes with photo id by appointment only. They can also refer you to other resources in the community.

Feeding GA Families
2514 W Point Ave
Atlanta, Georgia 30337
Telephone: 678.223.3663

To nourish individuals and families in need with fresh produce and non-perishable foods. Offers weekly pantries, emergency assistance, community distributions, community outreach, and community events. 

Other Services Offered in Florida:

Medicaid for Low Income Families With Children may be an option for children up to age 18 as well as their parents and/or caretaker. Health care can be provided in these cases to low income individuals and families.

Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) For Non-Citizens is offered for a serious medical condition such as emergency labor and delivery of a child. The need must be verified by a doctor or medical professional, and the program is only offered for those who are also Medicaid eligible except for their citizenship status.

Health care and Medicaid for Aged or Disabled can be offered for low income individuals who are disabled or who are aged (65 or older).

Emergency Financial Assistance Program (EFAHP) – This program was created by Florida to try to help prevent homelessness. Money and grants can be distributed to pay a wide range of housing expenses that could cause homelessness. For example, money may be offered for rent, mortgage payments, or energy bills. The bottom line is that funding is offered for both homeowners and renters.

Women, Infant, Child (WIC) is another federal government funded program for lower income Women, Infants, and Children. The Florida WIC program provides the following resources at no cost to qualified individuals and families. Access healthy foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education and counseling, as well as referrals for health care and medical services from the Department of Children and Families.

  • Florida KidCare can offer free or low cost public health insurance coverage for children from birth through age 18, even if the parent is employed. There are four main components of the program as indicated below.

  • Medikids covers children age 1 through 4.

  • Healthy Kids if for children who are aged 5 through 18.

  • Another wide ranging public resource is Children’s Medical Services, which is for Florida children birth through 18 who have special health care needs.

  • Medicaid is also offered. This is for children birth through 18. A child who has other health or dental insurance may still qualify for Medicaid.


Telephone bills and expenses – Receive a low cost cell phone or land line in Florida from the Link-Up and Lifeline Assistance Program. This national program is also offered in Florida, and was designed to ensure that all residents of Florida, regardless of their income, have access to telephone service and some type of phone connections in their homes. Financial assistance and savings on phones are provided by the state government Children and Families.

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides grants and public money to local governments as well as non-profit agencies in Florida so that they can assist low-income families with paying for home cooling bills and any heat expenses. The government funded utility bill program provides cash grants directly to local offices in your town and county. All applications and funding is run at the local level.

Financial assistance for child care is provided by the state from resources such as the Florida School Readiness Program. The state will subsidize your costs so that the parents can either attend attend job training, work at their current job, or enroll into an education service or class. In addition it will put the child in place to get off to a strong start on their overall learning.

Other Services Offered in Georgia:

Medicaid for Low Income Families With Children may be an option for children up to age 18 as well as their parents and/or caretaker. Health care can be provided in these cases to low income individuals and families.

Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) For Non-Citizens will only pay for medical costs for an emergency medical condition (e.g., cost of childbirth, labor and delivery, stabilization). Applicants are not required to provide a Social Security number or documentation of immigration status.

Health care and Medicaid for Aged or Disabled offers waiver programs help people who are elderly or have disabilities and need help to live in their home or community instead of an institution such as a nursing 


Financial Assistance Program (EFAHP) – Fiinancial assistance in all cities and counties in Georgia listed below, including Atlanta and Augusta. In addition to the resources offered by the state, there are organizations, charities and government assistance that can provide additional financial help for rent or housing, free food or stuff, medical needs, grant money from the government and more.

Women, Infant, Child (WIC) is a federally-funded health and nutrition program for Infants and Children age 1 to 5 years (including foster children), pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers (up to 1 year), and postpartum women (up to 6 months). 


Telephone bills, rent and expenses – The two main programs in Georgia include Lifeline and Link-Up. Low income families, including those that receive some form of public assistance, can enroll. The program can also help senior citizens or the disabled by lower the amount of their monthly bills, whether cellular or home phones. There are local financial assistance programs that assist with rental arrears, moving or storage costs, and other expenses faced by tenants. Grants, loans, and government aid is offered in every city and county. Most utility companies in Georgia offer their own comprehensive assistance programs. Funds can pay for electric and/or summer cooling bills.

The Georgia Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a Federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. This assistance can reduce the risk of health and safety problems such as illness, fire, or disconnection.

Financial assistance for child care certain families are eligible to receive financial assistance to help with the cost of childcare. The Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) program, administered by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL), helps parents access childcare so they can attend work, school, or training programs.

Public Assistance Programs for Florida

Broward County Public Assistance

There are several public assistance programs and resources available in Broward County Florida for low income families.

Locations of Broward County Family Success Centers:

There are several centers around the county. Call or stop by for more information or to apply for public assistance or social services.

  • North County Multipurpose Center (Pompano), 2011 NW 3rd Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 dial 954-786-2121

  • NorthWest Coral Springs Family Success Center, 10077 NW 29th Street, Coral Springs, Florida 33065, main phone number 954-357-5000

  • Central Region Family Success Center, Edgar P. Mills Multi-Purpose Center, 900 N.W. 31st Avenue, Suite 3000, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

  • South Region Family Success Center (Carver Ranches), 4733 SW 18th St., Hollywood, Florida 33023, call 954-357-5650

  • Davie Family Success Center, 4700 Davie Rd., Suite B, Davie, FL 33314, call the center at 954-797-2054

Or apply online:

Public Assistance Programs for Georgia

Georgia Public Assistance

There are several public assistance programs and resources available in Georgia for low income families.

Locations of Georgia Family Success Centers:

There are several centers around the county. Call or stop by for more information or to apply for public assistance or social services.

  • Families First, 80 Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard, NW, Atlanta, GA 30314, phone number (404) 853-2844

  • Parent to Parent of GA, 3070 Presidential Parkway, Suite 130, Atlanta, GA 30340, phone number 770-451-5484

  • United Way of Central GA, 277 MLK Jr Blvd, Ste 301, PO Box 1302, Macon, GA 31202, phone number 478.745.4732

  • The Center for Family Resources, 400 Franklin Gateway SE, Suite 250, Marietta, GA 30067, phone number 770.428.2601

  • Newton County Community, 8134 Geiger St NW # 1, Covington, GA 30014, phone number (770) 786-0807

Our apply online:

Other services offered in Florida include:

  • Domestic Violence prevention and support for victims.

  • Florida Department of Veterans Affairs also helps military member’s families.

  • Florida Housing Finance Corporation – Mortgage, rent, and foreclosure help.

  • Legal aid at no cost from Florida Legal Services.

  • Referral services to non-profits and public assistance.

  • Welfare Information Network.

  • Florida Discount Drug Card Program can save money on prescriptions.

  • Florida WIC – Good Nutrition for Woman, Infants & Children.

  • Food Assistance Through the Angel Food Ministries Program.

  • Information on food banks and pantries.

  • Maternal and Child Health.

  • Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

  • Alzheimer's Caregiver Support.

  • Florida Elder Services.

  • Florida Hospices and Palliative Care.

  • Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Assistance – Save money on medicines.

  • Senior and Elderly Prescription Assistance Programs.


Call the Florida Department of Children and Families at 1-866-762-2237

Other services offered in Georgia include:

  • Afterschool services - DHS funds summer and afterschool programs which include academic enrichment activities, health education, physical activity and teen employment opportunities.

  • Child Protection Services investigates reports of child abuse or neglect and provides services to protect the child and strengthen the family.

  • Emergency Food Assistance – A federal program that helps supplement the diets of low income persons in Georgia.

  • The Office of Prevention and Family Support (OPFS) works in partnership with community-based organizations committed to reducing the incidence of child abuse and neglect by targeting at-risk families with evidence-based prevention and early intervention techniques to ensure positive outcomes for children and families.

  • The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) provides comprehensive health education programming for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

  • TeenWork provides summer job opportunities for youth in foster care ages 16-21, in addition TeenWork helps to transition participating youth into successful, independent young adults by offering real world work experiences.

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or welfare, is cash assistance for poor children and their caretakers.


Call the Georgia Division of Family & Children at (404) 657-3433

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